Originally Posted By: sprkplug
Originally Posted By: Rainman
Originally Posted By: sprkplug
Do lost nine year olds count?

Only if they have a gun and point it at me....but seriously, the "save the children" argument has been so over used and misused, it is becoming meaningless.

I'll bet the meaning takes on a whole new level of freshness when it's a child you helped raise.

Spark I love you man but you can come up with some extreme examples sometimes man. What does that even mean does a lost 9 year old count?? Come on man to any normal person protecting their property there not gonna pull a gun out on a 9 year old I'm sure... That's NOT what Hawk is talking about dude. And if for some reason (I wouldn't have any idea why) but if said property owner was dumb enough and did pull a gun on a 9 year old then that owner needs to be carted off to jail.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!