We're down to 500 plants now, but at the time, my wife saw the sprayer stop in the neighbor's field and then drive straight away, we had 3000 staked tomatoes in raised beds under plastic mulch with drip irrigation. It would not have been a small claim's court case had we lost our crop. I recently lost 20K on a metal roof that leaked immediately and had to be replaced. The lawyer that I contacted said we would easily win, but would be very unlikely to actually collect the court-ordered settlement. I would have to try and garner wages and seize assets. I posted a YouTube video showing the old roof which has been viewed over 2600 times in the last 7 months. They will lose more than me. I'd post a link, but think it would violate PondBoss policies.

Last edited by RAH; 06/10/15 06:06 AM.