Good info guys! I just moved back up to the sticks last week, so the YP pond is getting closer every day.

MN - Remember that gizmo I showed you a while back? I just added the Sun Position function block. You input your data like latitude, longitude, drag the real time clock variables into it which include year, month, day, hour, minute, time zone and daylight savings time... It outputs the sun's position, Elevation, Azimuth, Zenith Angle, Sunrise Hour/Minute, Sunset Hour/Minute for your location. It continuously run's this algorithm to provide the output data, so no periodic adjustments required.

With the instruction set available, the logic is a simple compare with current time and sunrise/sunset times. You can offset times +/- to fire your feeder's and such.

You can also add a photocell to one of the analog inputs to measure the sun's intensity.

Something to park in the back of your head.