I worked hard all my life to get what I have or wanted. And I would not walk away from it just because of some outlaws. First thing I would do is have a meeting with the local law and the local game warden. Buy their lunch if you can get that type of meeting. let them know your problem and ask them for help. Most likely the outlaws are well known. Set up the texting game cameras and follow up every time u get a text of trespassers. Take vacations there and weekends and prosecute every trespasser. If it continues after that then I would set traps for bear or lion in the area where they cross through or over. I might post a sign telling of traps set but I might not. Life is not easy and one must pick and choose your battles but I would choose to fight this one. I would not walk away.


Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
