Originally Posted By: gklop
Hello all,

This is my first post here although I have been able to get a lot of good information browsing the forums. This is my first spring maintaining a 1/2 acre pond. My pond is about 30 yrs old and the previous owner never used any chemicals to treat the algae. Last summer I would get about 1/3rd of the pond covered in algae. I was all set to stock 10lbs of Tilapia until I went to my pond store for some unrelated items and asked what they thought about adding them to control the algae. They were totally against it. They told me a horror story about a customer of theirs that stocked them but was unable to harvest in time and they all sank at the end of the year and the Tilapia rotted on the bottom and ruined the pond. They did recommend Cutrine and muck pellets to get me started to control the algae. So I guess my long winded question is should I use Tilapia or chemicals?


Ewest has encouraged response from "old timers" about subjects that have been addressed previously many times. I only share personal expereince.

Answering questions outside my regional area is off the table for me ...So...what am I doing on this tilapia thread involving mostly northern ponds? Sharing ideas with new southern pondsters that don't want to use chemicals to control aquatic vegetation.

The only experience I will share with my northern friends that struggle with pond shore line are goats - they will keep pond banks clean as a whistle!

Talking about Mozambique Tilapia to my Texas neighbors is preaching to the choir - we have taken them for granted for so many years with low stocking numbers at low cost, we take them for granted.
We do not and will not use chemecals on our ponds but that is a personal choice - GC when required.
Goats will wade into the water for primrose!

Good luck with your pond and welcome to PondBoss.
George Glazener

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)