Originally Posted By: edit7279

It is solid clay and will run right by my pond. You can't drive in that area after it rains because you will sink and get stuck...hence why I am installing the road.

If the clay sinks today it is not compacted. If you expect to drive on it after rain then you need to do 1 of the following:

1.) cut ditches and put a crown on the road before putting down rock
2.) cut ditches and put a crown on the road and then geotex before putting down rock.

The geotex is not totally necessary but as you can see if a vehicle sinks today in the mud then the rocks will sink in the mud when wet and driven on. So you need to get the water off the road ASAP when it rains so the clay does not become saturated.

You are going to spend the same money either way.

1.) no geotex then you will be adding rock in a year
2.) Geotex more expense to start but you wont be adding rock immediately

Make your decision based on the price of geotex now versus more rock in the future.

#2 stone in my opinion is way to big. Not a good road subsurface. #4 is the largest base to start.

2.5 Acre Pond
Status: Design