I'm curious what others thoughts are but I feel like I must be doing something wrong when I plant lilies. I ordered a few hardy lilies from texaswaterlilies.com a few weeks ago. They arrived in 2 days and looked great. I put them in water deep enough so the couple pads that were on them were on the surface. I laid the tuber on the mud and held it down with a large staple but not tight. Since planting the leaves died and/or disappeared. I put a tomato cage around them with tighter mesh fence around to keep the couple mallards that we had move in away. I'm not sure if I needed to do that. Is it typical for the pads to die back on a transplant and if so when would you expect to see more? One tuber had no leaves but I haven't seen any sign of pads. The biggest fish are 2 to 3 inch bluegills and she'll crackers that were stocked last fall as inch or so. Am I just impatient? I have more coming to put in a couple other spots so if I'm doing something wrong it would be a help.


David Clapper