Hey all,

Well we are back at it again! If some of you recall last year we were putting up the ceiling in the living room, dining room and kitchen area. Well we had to stop short so we could put in a starter box and pipe for the wood stove I want so thats what we worked on this weekend. Here are some pics.

Here we are cutting the starter box at the right angle. None of this is as easy as it looks with this angled roof! We got it though.

Here I am making the box in the ceiling for the starter box to fit up into.

Here we are fitting it up in there to make sure it lines up right angle wise!

Ok everything seems to fit ok so we marked center and I went up top to start tearing up my roof! Ughh that was hard to do having to put a hole in a perfectly good roof just don't seem right! smile

Well we got the hole squared away and then we screwed the starter box in from the top down with about 8, 1.5 inch screws to hold it in place. Here my Dad is predrilling me some holes in the box.

All that went smooth and here I am make sure we are level. We had to trim some wood a couple times to get the pipe to fit just right but we got it!

Here is the finished product! Well except for some Black Jack we slopped on there real good to help prevent any possible leaks. But it turned out pretty good I was happy with it! Now we can finish that side of the ceiling!

Hope you all enjoyed our first update of the year!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!