My pond is 1 1/2 acres and I put agricultural lime in it in January to raise the hardness.

I have fertilized every 2 weeks for the last 6 weeks and my water is still pretty clear. I can see the bottom at 5 feet. I am using Perfect pond plus fertilizer as recommended by my consultant. I had the water tested and it said that my hardness was 28.

I asked my consultant what to do and he said that I should just continue to fertilize until I get a bloom. I asked another guy at the DNR and he recommended that I not continue fertilizing but that I should add 100lbs of hydrated lime per acre. He said that even though my hardness numbers ore good that it sometimes takes the addition of hydrated lime to give it a "kick start" to get the bloom going.

My consultant said that I do not need hydrated lime because my hardness is good and that I should just keep fertilizing.

Can anyone tell me what I should do because I am getting conflicting info.

I live in middle Georgia.