I think the depth FA grows depends on how much sunlight reaches the bottom. I put Aquashade in last fall and it made a big difference on FA growing in deeper water, not so much around the shallow edge. I know the FA is still in the deep water because I drag up some on hooks occasionally but it seems no to be growing much. I use liquid Cutrine around the edge out to 2 or 3 feet deep and it usually takes 10 or 12 days for it to knock it way back. It really doesn't matter how much water you mix it in. The water is just a carrier. The important thing is, be sure to cover the area specified on the label with whatever ratio you mix. Also, do not treat the whole pond in one treatment if you have much FA. I treat 1/3 or so and wait a couple weeks to do another third, etc. I used granules once last year in deep water and didn't see much result as far as I could tell, but it was probably my fault for not spreading it heavy enough.