Welcome to the forum, Spook! Some things to "require" of the dirt swap is that the dam be properly cored, a very well built emergency spillway constructed and that anti-seep collars be installed on whatever main overflow pipe system you choose. I like bottom draw self starting siphons, but that may not be practical for your area. Ask for a 500year flood spillway and discharge system, but don't settle for less than 300 year flood requirements for your watershed.

Have them grade, plant and seed not only the disturbed banks, but the pool area also.

Consider buying a couple books...Bob Lusk's, "A Perfect Pond...Want one?" and Mike Otto's, "Just Add Water". Both will give you a LOT of ideas on what you'll want before the crews leave. One final thought, Make SURE they use a sheepsfoot roller to compact the core of the dam, pool face of the dam, and the entire pool area and above a couple feet.

Oh...and have them put all your requirements in writing.

Dwight could add plenty of ideas. His 7 acre puddle was created for the same needs.

Last edited by Rainman; 04/17/15 11:53 PM.