First of all I want to say THANK YOU for all the help you have given. The money has been put to good use to help those in need. Last week, we received notice from the IRS that we are now classified as a tax exempt public charity. This is good news for all our contributors as they can take this as a deduction. However, now for the bad news. We are nearly out of funds. We have a list of about 10 people that need help badly. This afternoon I received two more cases. One case is a couple with four children. The wind picked up their roof and moved it about six inches and let the rain come in and flood everything. They had no insurance because of medical expenses. Their 14 year old son has had three open heart surgeries and also has asthma (so does the five year old, and the Mother) Three weeks ago, the 14 year old quit breathing and had to be rushed to the hospital. He was taken to Jackson which is 40-50 miles away.They are presently living in a FEMA trailer which is very crowded with the 6 of them. FEMA only gave them $7,000. Not enough to even put on a roof. They also lost their car.
The other case, a tree fell on the roof, inside the house was ruined, the refrigerator was ruined. Right now they are using their daughters, but she needs it back so they are in great need for a refrigerator plus other help.
We need your help. We need more money to help these people in need. We put our faith in GOD that he will provide.

paul weatherholt