I still do not have my concrete poured which I must do soon so it will be cured when my son comes to help me with the building. I wanted the guy who is helping me in my donation program to assist me with the pour and he is just like all of us to busy to assist. He has been trying to get his roof replaced and the people selling the shingles have been giving him a run around. I must put off my pour as I heard of a young mother in a fema trailer with two little children that may need help as they lost their home. The children are a big responsibility of all of us since sometimes parents are stretched too thin and this is where we need to step in and help. They did not have enough money to fill their propane tank I was told. We would like to make their Christmas a little brighter.
As I become older, children are not taken for granite, as this could lead to future ramifications. Maybe I just love children. We do as much for others also and it is not just decided by male or female. It is about their need caused by Katrina. If we have a house or such to live in, we are very blessed.
I have heard from many past classmates and they have been generous, but there is such a need that I am willing to give up much, to assist them in getting their lives back together. This is where you can help me, I do not take the credit for helping others. I tell them exactly where it came from. If I am to help these people I must request your help, many of you keep giving on a regular bases and it is appreciated and put to good use. I have received e mail that different ones gave to the Clinton - Bush Katrina fund raiser. That is good, but it just does not cut the ice, as it is not used to help those in need because of Katrina. Most of it went to Colleges and Universities. I am not knocking politics as this is the two major parties. It is a case of people wanting to be donators to politics and then they miss helping the ones in need. Maybe the answer could be giving a little less to politics so the ones in real need are helped? Once again, none of the money you donate goes to me or anyone connected with this program. I have taken money out of my own funds for postage, gas and phone calls. We have received money from contractors in Virginia Beach, people in Florida (even thou they have had damage also) and others from all walks of life. I know we have some Preachers on the Forum, perhaps you and your congregation could assist us with this program. You will receive blessings, as we have, by helping others. Red Cross and Fema are pulling out of Southern Mississippi and there is still a lot of people in tents. Our State Representatives are pushing for more funds for emergencey housing but it seems slow in coming. There are 1,000's of trailers in a western state. The people there are willing to haul them down here, but can't get the go ahead to do so. The weather has gotten cold during the nightimes. It is very unhealthy for these people. Now, with Red Cross and Fema pulling out, it will be people helping people. We have curtailed our Christmas spending this year so we can be of more help to others. Our classmates and alumni are doing the same. How about YOU? Will YOU be of help? We have several groups invovled, but WE NEED YOU!
You can send donations to Paul "Deaner" Weatherholt, 1111 Hwy 29, Wiggins, MS 39577

paul weatherholt