Hi Lake! The forage suggestions are great here. I wouldn't be afraid to add some CC in a 2.5 acre pond that you also want big LMB in. Under 3 pounds, CC (stocked no more than 25/acre) will mostly eat the natural mortalities in your pond, keeping water quality a bit better and not be a noticeable competitor to LMB.

Since you are in Central TX, I'd suggest the pure strain Florida Genetics, like the Camelot Bell LMB from Overton's Fish Farm.

Two things I would NOT do is; one, create spawning structure for the CC and two, try catching them before they top 3#....they are really cheap, even for larger sizes...you replace every couple years as needed.

For trophy Bass in a relatively small pond, Threadfin Shad and the most Tilapia annually that your budget can afford would be great forages.