Well I was at the cabin Saturday prepping for this years cabin updates as we will be starting again soon. I thought I would take a break for a minute or 2 and throw a line to see if I could catch a BG or 2. And wow this bad boy decided to hit me. I had a four foot ultra light rod and it was game on!!! I had nothing to weigh or measure it but I am guessing it was 3.75 to 4 pounds. Wow they have grown! It took line out like I had a big catfish! I haven't fed sense October so these guys must be eating baitfish and small BG! I got food in the feeder now though! smile

Last edited by RC51; 03/30/15 07:47 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!