Originally Posted By: TGW1
snrub, a wealth of tractor knowledge forsure. How would you recommend a small farm workable back or trac hoe?

That would be tough to do, not knowing what a person is going to be doing with it and what emphasis he has on most important features.

If you start looking around at different tractors and have specific questions about some feature, I can probably help. I may not know about a specific feature on a specific model tractor, but I have a pretty good handle on the mechanical aspects of about any feature a tractor would have. I can give you pro's and con's, what applications where the feature works best, etc.

I've had some formal mechanic training in my early years, owned and run a dealership for 7 years, have been driving tractors since 6 years old, and currently have 15 or so tractors on the farm. Be glad to help however I can, but I'm better at answering specific questions than making a general recommendation because there are so many variables. What one guy loves, might not fit the next guys needs.

Like in true PBF fashion, which tractor to buy,
"it all depends"


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