Tgw1, Don't know how well it is going to work but I "stacked" 5 pallets on top each other. I screwed each one to the next. I then drove pointed 1x4s into the ground on both sides and screwed them to the pallets to keep them in position. I have 5 stacks like that. 25 pallets. They are put in where at full pool they will be in 6 ft. water. But right now the water only covers 2 pallets high but can be utilized by forage fish. Will be good for added depth as it comes.Each stack is 6 ft from the next one in a line. I think I have photos of them under the projects forum. Just what I'm doing.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.