I am a newby - just joined yesterday, and am learning the site. I posted an introduction yesterday and am trying to post a picture as part of the introduction and get some initial advice.

As I said on the intro... we bought a property in the fall that we plan to move to later this year which has a small (maybe 0.1 acre ~ 4000 sq ft) pond that is spring feed.

As you can see the pond is a major mess.

I am in SE Michigan near Ann Arbor. The property and pond have not had a real caretaker for about 10-12 years so there is much over growth of invasive garbage trees and shrubs as well as many downed branches and trees. Since the weather has been below zero for a couple of weeks I have taken the opportunity to exercise my chain saw and cut down much of the debris.

One response to my original post asked about the depth - which I don't know yet, but I suspect there is a lot of leaves and other debris in the pond.

What do you recommend as the steps to turn this into a healthy pond? Is it big enough for fish?

I look forward to any and all comments and advice. Thanks.