Thanks JKB. My PM flag is always flashing. Don't ask me why.

Thanks for advice on epoxy. Sounds a bit like a job best left to the pros or at least someone who has done it a few times before doing it on my garage myself.

Esshup, I'm interested in the clear sealers like you see on polished concrete floors in Walmarts etc. I'd like to research that. Of course, I'd have to do a lot of cleaning as i wouldn't want to seal my floor the way it looks now.

I have used the SH shark grip on the paint that I put on our basement floor. It was OK, very grippy at first and destroys your socks, but now with traffic of kids and bikes it pretty much wore off. Maybe a thick sealer on the garage floor would trap the shark grip better and it would last but I cannot have a slick floor smile

I love the idea of wiping grease/oil right off!

If I had a busy pattern like Zep that would be ideal.