i am running a 2" semi trash pump around the clock. i have a 5 gallon bucket of gas rigged to it. i have a friend that is a well driller. he guesses i am getting 75-100gpm with the pump. i also have a small stream feeding it maybe 20 gallons a minute or even more during these rains. i did have an experienced pond builder with over 100 ponds under his belt. he felt confident the pond would be fine, i am just a little nervous about some rocky areas in the pond. i feel like there may be cracks and crevices that run deep and far. my pond bottom is very irregular with lots of humps and drop off's (which i requested). i was hoping for a super good game fish pond. we also have lots of stumps planted. i think it would be a nightmare to rework the bottom dirt with bentonite even if we did drain it. looks like lake is going to be between 1.75 and 2 acres according to the last google image. i used google earth plus to plot the expected shoreline. google earth plus will give you an area not just a linear dimension.
we have a rainy week ahead of us on and off for the next several days. the pond is rising about 3"s per day with the pump. so we should be full soon.

Scott Hanners