Hey everyone so the other day a kind person had a pic out here of his modified fish feeder on PVC floating in his water. Which I thought was a cool idea and want to do something close to what he did.

My question is if I do this and put an anchor on it to keep it in one place would it benefit me to move the feeder around the pond say once a month. I sometimes throw fish feed in other spots in my pond and they tear it up and it's not even close to the feeder?

I know n8ly said something about having a couple of feeders on the pond for those other fish in the other side of the pond but I just thought maybe I could move one around every 4 or 5 weeks? Any thoughts on this? Or would it be best to leave it in one spot and not confuse all my fish?


Last edited by RC51; 02/26/15 03:51 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!