Broadcast spread the lime well over all wet areas of mud. For the remaining standing water, 400-800 pounds of Hydrated Lime should do the job. You can use a 55 gallon barrel to pour a couple bags of lime in and use a trash pump to both fill, recirculate/mix, and spray back into the pond.

If the H-lime concentration is high enough, your water will turn crystal clear a few hours after applying. Add H-Lime in 200# increments if it doesn't clear after the first can't over apply when trying to sterilize, only under apply.

STRONG CAUTION!!! Use, at minimum a good quality dust mask and goggles. Keep a couple gallons of clean water to rinse your eyes if need. Hydrated Lime is VERY caustic and WILL cause severe chemical burns when on clothing that stays wet and contacts the picture below shows after a couple hours spraying...The burns came from where the sleeves of my water proof coat were under my waterproof gloves...Took about a month to heal.

Last edited by Rainman; 02/03/15 10:08 PM.