So after adding polymer it slowly filling about 28" to go

So I have a question about the movement of ground water through gravel
The pictures are me chasing a leak behind the dam
I trenched behind the dam from the middle all the way up the far side
I'm into a layer of gravel following the movement of water not coming from the dam but running parallel to the dam from the hill
So I dug and refilled with clay all the way to 10' of the far end of the dam
Until I hit a rock shelf so under the shelf is a 18" layer of gravel
I installed a 12" corrugated with holes drilled filled all around the pipe with large rocks covered with fabric and layer of soil on top
Now I'm pumping the water back over the dam into the pond

So my question is can I be correct that the water is running down from the hill and not from the pond ??
The direction of the water was from up the hill until I hit the shelf
I know it's hard to tell

Attached Images
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