Lots of variables that affect this project as it unfolds, so planning is tough.

The first thing I would do is get a an excavator in there as soon as possible and dig some trenches to get the water moving to the creek. The more you can dry up the area that will be worked, the better you off you will be. Drying it up can take awhile, that's why I would get that done soon. You will also be able to see (hopefully) where the spring is. There might be more than one. Try to get the trench to continually fall to the creek. It will make seeing where the water is coming from easier.

My gut instinct would be to create a trench of some sort that carries the water around the area that you want to work. Perhaps you even establish that pathway first, and get all the wet areas trenched to it. By keeping the water from entering your work area, you don't have to pump. Once you start digging, then you will find out how many more springs might be lower in the ground, that's when plans start to change,... and the fun (headaches?) begin.

--- Jim