Originally Posted By: sprkplug
...Maybe someone from the Texas assemblage can share what has worked for them in winters' past? As for me, in my location, I'm not going to feed. There just appears to be more 'cons' than 'pros', even if the possibility of harming my fish is removed from the picture...

Tony, I do feed all my CNBG winter, but not every day. I hit both feeders late every afternoon, and feed lightly based on hand throws. If the fish are active, I go ahead with a 1-2 second throw. If they have gone deep and are not feeding, then I forgo the feeder throw all together. I feed during the winter for 2 reasons. One, I want to maintain any growth through the cold months, and two, I want to make sure my CNBG don't wander too far away from the feeders at any given time.

The HSB I feed every day by hand.

My water is 52 degrees as of yesterday, and most days the CNBG are still eating well at this temp. Long term, I just don't have enough experience to even venture a guess as to winter growth.

Interesting thread.