Originally Posted By: snrub
...Someone on here, don't remember who, had a pipe driven into the pond bottom. He tied a cable around the base end of the tree then via a boat dropped the cable over the pipe and the tree over the side of the boat. Then just add trees each year. They float to begin with, then sink eventually. Then just add more trees as needed. That looked like a great idea. Would have structure all the way to the bottom of the pond clear to the top. Would not be good if a person wanted the looks of clear open water, but if fish structure was the main goal, great...

Pipe and T post thread

As esshup said, this originally came from ewest. I have been very happy with the posts, and have since added cedar limbs to add a little girth to the brush piles. My CNBG love them, and the LMB use these as ambush points.