just a small addition to a great thread . . .

An excellent article about raising worms can be found at:


I've been tending worms pretty much my whole life. As a kid on a farm near the shores of Lake Superior, I caught and sold lots of night crawlers. In the winter we kept them in "washtubs" in the basement and we fed them all the household coffee grounds.

In recent years I've mainly been using red wigglers since they are very hardy. They also reproduce very well. I started over this spring with a new bed using 4 dozen red wigglers from a local bait shop. My "farm" is a Rubbermaid container about 18 x 18 x 24 inches, with a bunch of 1/2-inch holes drilled in the side and bottom.

The 4 dozen worms have become several thousand, which have been spilt out to friends and to a couple of mulch piles. They get all of our kitchen vegetable and fruit scraps, plus our coffee grounds, coffee filters, and tea bags. The seem to be a very happy lot.

Happy fishn,


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