Originally Posted By: Rainman
Over the winter, I'll be installing all electronics for on-board water quality monitoring, filtration, ammonia removal system, pumps, 8000 watt 120/240V generator, custom shelving and storage box modifications. Eventually, I plan to be able to heat and chill all, or individual water tanks....all from inside the cab while rolling...

Hey Rex, if you like, describe in detail what you want to do electronically and electric wise with your truck.

All the parameters you would like to monitor/control, and everything else you would like control of.

You mentioned, while rolling... I doubt you will be very far from your truck because it is your work, source of income and a passion. I can put your truck with full control (other than driving) on your cell phone, puter or network TV so you can see what's going on all the time. All ya need is a decent wireless router in your truck and another gizmo. No need to go internet because you probably won't be too far from your truck.

If you plan to buy sensors with specific meters for all this, it could get quite expensive and take up a bunch of room. If you plan to do something in the cab that is Windows based, be prepared for failures at the worst possible time.

I deal with 2 Roller Coasters and 1 extrusion machine that have windows based panel PC's, along with some solid processors, but the programmers put way too much control in the windows junk, and that freaks out from time to time. Not safe on one coaster, and it was a $300K tab to make it right. No Go, but they have insurance if someone get's hurt or killed.

Sweep it under the rug and hope it don't happen wink