Mr. Cody,
I am by no means an expert on how barley straw works and what kind of algae it prevents from growing. My family had a very hard time getting a hold of barley straw so my father thought it would a good project for me to pursue. I am simply providing the barley straw as cheap as I can for anyone who wants to give it a try. I know some of the outrageous prices there are out there and I think that I am very reasonable.
Like I said, I am by no means, guaranteeing that barley straw will work for every pond. I would just like to talk to anyone interested in trying it.
So, back to your questions, I do not know the answers to these. I have done alot of research but most sources say that barley straw is still a sketchy practice. I agree on this. Some say it works and others say it doesn't. My experience in my pond is that it does work well.
Thank you,
Doug Russell