Originally Posted By: loretta
A long time ago I asked what everyone did with the fish that were culled from their ponds. I thought it would be great to grind them up and feed it back to the other fish.

I don't want to speak for Bruce Condello, but besides his massive "Condello Strain Bluegills" he has also been growing some monstrous largemouth bass. His LMB are way above what should be possible to be grow in his northern latitude. I will just say that it is based on his culled bluegill.

Bruce gave us all a hint of what he is doing in a short presentation at the last Pond Boss conference.

As for me, I "can" my culled bluegill. I scale them, gut them, and cut their heads off. Overnight, I brine them in about about a gallon of water, with a cup of pickling salt. I rinse them and tightly pack them in pint jars with a slice of onion and a clove of garlic. I put the jars in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes. They make great substitutes for canned salmon or tuna. We also use these canned culls to make great faux Maryland-style "crab cakes."

To me, that is real home made fish food.

Crazy Ken

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