It's fathead minnows. I did not know.
You see my pond has the conventional minnow in it as well, which I thought was a fathead minnow. I have millions of those.

And then for the first time today, I saw THESE.
These are the fathead minnows that I bought like 10,000 of.
But I have never really seen them and of course they are HUGE compared to the regular native minnow.

I didn't take pictures of the shoals until later in the day after I caught and photographed a specimen.

What you see here is Nothing...........compared to the huge shoals I was looking at around 2:00 pm. They were like 30 feet long and 20 feet wide, looked like millions of these things. And there were shoals all over the pond in different places.

I freaked out ............there's literally millions of these things. Huge Shoals.

The bass have plenty to eat.