Originally Posted By: sprkplug
A SOIL aerator! I've been trying to figure out how a membrane diffuser sitting on bare clay would provide any type of boost towards grass growth...I must be tired.

Glad you got the tractor out. Any casualties to man, machine, or macrochirus?

Tony everybody and everything survived, but I'll try not to do that again. Twice. I was filling a washout below a watershed drainpipe and the Kubota paddle shifter decided we would go forward instead of backwards. Twice.

Originally Posted By: esshup
Al, if it's worth doing once, it's worth doing twice!! With practice, you're getting better at extracting it.

They make an overseeder planter for grass. The one that I used the other day has 3 drums with 1 1/2" or so 3/8" dia solid spikes on it. They poke holes in the ground thru the grass that is already growing, and the grass seed falls onto an angled plate, whick then directs it to fall on top of the first drum, which spreads it evenly across the ground. It goes on the 3-point behind the tractor. I overseeded at the rate of 100# per acre.

Scott, that's exactly what I was wanting to do. I should have known there were commercial sized tools to do what I wanted. It just seems like everybody fights the same watering/evaporation problem when getting turf started. Holding more of the water you can put out, and keeping the seed wet longer, seems like a better way. I'll find out this next Spring.