Just a thought. With Dave , Bill, Greg and Todd on Session 3 each of you save 3-4 mins so that after Todd finishes you collectively (panel) have 12-16 min left to go over surveying methods , their limitations and uses in applied fisheries management as it relates to your topics. That way all 4 of you will know what was collectively covered and what wasn't and what the pond owners questions are wrt surveying and management info from the various methods. If you want I volunteer to have a couple questions and collect some from the viewers for you 4 to field.

An observation. You , Bill , Greg and Todd (and any other Fisheries Scientist in attendance) all know how to set up and run the equipment while I would guess 95% of your audience will never set up and run the equipment. We may ride in the boat. \:\) If a panel will not work then , from the pond owner perspective, we would be interested in what the different methods show and their limits and management uses and not so much about how to set up and run the equipment.

You guys join in . Now is the time to tell Dave what you want to know about surveying !!