Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Next time I get a snapper in the pond I know who to call. Wow you don't have to see the snapper to snag it!

Cecil, this is the third snapper I've caught while fishing and yes, just from snagging and each time it's been on the front foot, or paw or whatever it's called. The first two were removed, weighing the second one at 22 lbs. And as much as I really don't like being close to them I'd love to know how much this one weighed.

Has to just be dumb luck because I can't seem to catch them any other way! And dumb luck seems to follow me quite closely,,, or maybe that's overstating the obvious crazy

Which is also why I no longer sit on the dock with my feet dangling in the water shocked

Last edited by Lovnlivin; 08/31/14 06:43 AM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES