Originally Posted By: rmedgar

Jason 20-25 HSB will not ruin your pond.
Put 'em in and enjoy - IMHO they fight better than LMB.
I had a 1A pond with BG, LMB, RB Trout, and HBS, and it worked out fine.

Thanks for the replies.

Many years ago, I caught a few striped bass and put them in another pond, which is directly behind the newly constructed one.
They were all about a pound, to a pound and a half.
2 years later I hooked into one of them on a rattle trap.
I would have sworn I had a 9 pound largemouth. Turned out it was one of the stripers I had released. It weighed 5.8 pounds. It was wide and fat. Put up a hell of a fight.
To this day , it was the biggest striper I ever caught. She was a beautiful fish. I turned her loose a few minutes later.
I truly believe that they fight harder than a largemouth.

I will be putting 25, maybe even 30 in my pond. I would like to have that experience again one day.