Originally Posted By: fish n chips
Where ever that sand seam enters the pond, be sure to pack over that with clay. Do it in layers and pack each layer, and knit each layer together. Best to do it with a sheepsfoot roller.

Nice looking place so far,... and welcome to PB.

Thank you. The seam of sand is running lengthwise under the pond right out under the dam. blocking it where it enters the pond would require moving eqt to the up side of the pond and digging down over 40', not an option. We have to block the sand/water from going thru the dam which will require basically damming the sand seam at the bottom end of the pond. Am I correct in my thinking??

We are in the process of removing all of the sand closer to the dam and getting it out of the way so that we can dig below it and pack the core trench with clay.

My other question is, is there a way to capture all of that water that is in this underground river and use it to fill the pond? I will post some more photos that may help. The sand is running from left to right down thru where the dam will be by my green tractor in last photo.

As you can tell we made the pond much bigger than a half an acre, I figured if we were going to do it make it as big as we can.

Last edited by ToddM; 08/09/14 02:15 PM.