I was able to check for two days and the net increase was 1/10 of an inch per day (notice my calibrated stick in the foreground at the edge of the water). I did not want to add too much water, but I wanted to slowly bring Extratopia back up to full pool over time. I did check the O2 levels before and after adding the well water and I can see the benefit. Also, the well water is cooler and it is causing a slight circulation while the water flows.

When I get back to the farm this week, I'll know if what I am doing is making an impact or not.

As for using big pond water, I am okay with doing that, but I did not have my pumps available because they are being tasked elsewhere so the well was the next best idea. ALso, I am unsure about how much filtering I will need if I use big pond water. I want to protect from cross contamination.

I knew you would have my back, thanks!!

I like it!!!!!

I did that already. The well water straight from the well was almost zero mg/l of DO, while after just two feet of travel through the air the O2 levels were at saturation. After three feet there is no appreciable difference. I have the nozzle set the same now as I had it when I did the test. Also, I used my meter to check and the water at the site of impact is cooler by several degrees and the O2 levels were at saturation. I know I have some pictures from back when I first got the ODO. I'll post them later today.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%