Originally Posted By: highflyer
Well I got out to the farm the past few days and I found that Extratopia is loosing water faster than the other two topias. Also, its temperature is higher by a few degrees and its thermal-cline is a bit shallower as well.

SO, I channeled my inner Redneck and came up with a solution I think will help, but it is not overkill in the least.

Here is my solution. I am running well water through hoses to the feeder on Extratopia. A single zip-tie holds the hose to the top of the feeder and the stick aims the flow. I have the water on a timer which is set for 3:15AM each day. It runs for 45 minutes and adds about a tenth of an inch to the pool. I choose 3:15AM because of the O2 it adds to the water when it should be needed most.

Experts, thoughts?

To correct the other two potential problems, I moved the nozzle forward so any drips fall on the ground not the feeder, and the hose has been routed so as to not block the solar panel for the feeder. All in all, I learned a few things this week, 1) I need to run water to the topias for summer fillings, and 2) if I am going to trench out to the topias, I might as well add power to the list of things I am going to run.

One other note. If I add another topia to the mix, it has already been named.

Brian, here's a pic of my first redneck aeration system I rigged up before Bill Cody was kind enough to get me on the right track.
This is the pump I referred in earlier post.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)