First off, I put less than ten CB LMB in each of the Topias because the water was so nice and I figured I just might learn something this summer. Also, I figured I would spread out the risk of failure to all three ponds. Extratopia is about 40 feet wide and about 50 feet long with a curved western face. It is a little deeper just in case it did not get as much water from the rains. After I get TP&L up and running, I'll use pumps to keep the water where I want it, and periodically change out the water in the Topias.

The plan is simple, I will grow them out this year and in Feb, I'll collect them all and find the biggest, nicest, healthiest few and put them in Extratopia for the spawn. The rest will be placed appropriately. If I loose all or most in any given pond, I'll learn something, if they all do great, well that will teach me something else. In the long run, I will try to spawn them and up the genetics in the big pond.

Good Brian, thanks, it is fun to learn and it is really fun to learn when a few things go right after you first failed.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%