Originally Posted By: Rainman
You titled this thread, "The Dream Chasing is Over"??? Dude, your dreams are just beginning!!! I love your enthusiasm and look forward to seeing you progress.

Rainman, you couldn't be more correct LOL... The dreams are just beginning.
I have not contacted the NRCS yet, I need to get on the ball with that. I have a pond builder coming survey the property and talk about the project on Friday. I have slit if ideas to go over with him.

I have quotes already ranging from 25-40k for the project, to dig 1 acre pond, level the 7 acres and build it up some, build up 1 acre for my home site 18"-24" and 1/2 acre for my barn site, plus build up for the roads.

From what I have read this seems to be pretty average price. Now, it's to decide who to go with..

As always, any input is appreciated

If it was easy everybody would do it !!!