
Thanks for posting that picture. It is a great picture reminding us how it is done!!

Now that I'm back from stocking Tilapia in the big pond, and the topias, I can see that those lures would sure come in handy about now trying to catch a few really big female LMB from our big pond to stock into Extratopia. So far Extratopia has about 25 of Todd's nicest Tilapia and about 25 really nice CNBG ranging from 4 inches to 7 1/2 inches getting ready for the spring spawns. If I can catch three Female LMB, I am going to try my hand at brooding them in Extratopia this year. It should be another thing to talk about later this month!!


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%