I am also planning on sourcing wild crayfish from the same watershed as my pond. I already called smith creek a month ago and June is a long way off. I use the cylinder type traps with the extension. I use cut fish like sunfish, bass, BG, whatever, it doesn't really matter but I would think oily fish would be better. But crayfish can be caught on everything mentioned here, and even raw bacon or hotdogs.

It helps to use a mesh bait container in the middle of the trap. I use 1/2" hardware cloth. Crayfish have big appetites so stuff the bait container full. This way they will stay in the trap instead of trying to get out. And as they eat it keeps bringing more into the trap.

I have never used the square ramp type traps. But they also work.

You can go on You Tube and there are lots crayfish trapping videos. I was surprised that they catch lots of crayfish way up north like in Minnesota, and big ones too.

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