KD - I have a good guess as the to new product; I suspected someone would come up with it since barley straw seemed to have a fairly good success rate. I am very interested in results from trials; residuals sound good. Localized treatment is definately a plus. PS We are still planning some Curtine tests this winter; haven't forgot, plus I need to know.

GG - I occassionally get an Oscillatoria up here (OH) that acts like the one in the 100 ac res you described. Our troublemaker was O. rubescens. Your bad guy may well be another species. Our (I assume Ohio) EPA will not let municipalities use chelated copper in their reservoirs. Probably because of the extended viability in the water column and potential for delivery to the public. They have to resort to CuSO4. Does 'our thesis girl' have an ID on the bad guy? Can I or you contact her for additional info?

PS If you didn't apply this way, you might want to, next time Oscillatoria treatment is necessary, try to inject the treatment deep into the distribution zone of the alga, a faster response may occur.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management