Andy, thanks for the get detail. I will use your advice and try to get some of these hybrid waterlillies of different color (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) as well as retrying the native waterlilly in a 55 gal container cut off at A. 1' deep and the clay and dirt mix added to each container. I have assess to many of these 55 gal container so A. how far apart should I position them over the a. 250' of protected water by the islands? Yes it will be quite a project but in the end we should be able to enjoy it. My hope is to rip rap one of the islands and make into a perennial area with a gazebo built on it. The other island will be for the kids to camp on with the aeration windmill etc. I will not fertize the waterlillies and hope they will continue to bloom year after year (both the hybrids and native white and hopefully yellow). The idea of the rhisome poking over the edge of the tub is good so in time I can continue my waterscaping of this large contained area full of color and beauty. Don't forget the LMB will love this area as well. Thanks again and looking forward to your additional comments.
