I just finished re-contouring a couple of ponds, using the sand for pole barn and house pads. We had 2.5" rain in 24 hr that made a sloppy mess; I had hoped it would hold off for another day or two but it didn't. Prepping the ground for grass seed is the job Monday/Tuesday, as it wanted to ball up when back drug Friday morning. Hopefully it will dry out enough today that I can use a harly rake to finish it tomorrow. We were able to get a tri-axle dump truck at each pond and installed a truckload of limestone rip-rap in each for papershell habitat. Roughly 2 rocks thick, from waterline to about 5' depth.

The ponds are groundwater ponds, so I had to run a 3" pump pretty much 24/7 to keep the water levels down so we could see what we were doing.

They're predicting another 2"+ rain on Wed/Thurs so we have to have the erosion matting installed before then.

Shorter days, cooler weather and low sun angle aren't helping!


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).