Originally Posted By: outdoorlivin247
I can assume it is pretty new by the reaction I got by NOT cleaning out the itsy bitsy bit of Cutrine Plus that was left in my hand sprayer...Needless to say I never had to pump the handle on the sprayer for the hole 2 gallons
I almost blew up a 50-gal spray-tank the first time I used Greenclean (on a golf course, no less).
Without my knowledge, the customer's tank held about a gallon of CUTRINE PLUS mixture before we began filling it with water. I added about 5 lbs of Greenclean Pro into the tank and then screwed on the lid due the rapidly rising foam. Imagine my surprise when the tank began to rapidly bulge - significantly! I cautiously unscrewed the lid to avoid a tank-exposion. Once the lid came free, an 8" diameter exothermic geiser went skyward - probably 6' vertical.
I'm sure the entire spectacle was quite entertaining to those who were watching this free circus - from a distance.