
Actually we have water under a confined layer here which is probably the clay that causes the water to perch on -- not too far below the surface. Apparently even with the thick clay there are areas that water can perculate down to recharge the aquifer as we have abundant supplies of water in sand and gravel aqifiers in the area. My sturated gravel layer is at least 60 feet thick and some areas around here can support the pumping of 2000 gpms.

Recharge probably takes place through sand and gravel veins and other permiable areas higher up which I have encountered on the property.

Most of the wells in my area are classified as artesian wells but don't have enough pressure to bring the water above ground to become flowing artesian wells. However the water will come up in the well pipe far above where contact is made with the aquifer and above where the well screen is postioned.

Sure wish mine was flowing! I do have flowing wells some within a mile of me. Darn!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.