Originally Posted By: esshup
Prayers sent. Have them re-check the basement, AND get the ductwork cleaned in the house. I also think a dehumidifier for the basement is in order.

Room in the basement where all the mold was, has been removed.

Had a contractor come in to make sure the mold was clean (brother and buddy ripped out the room), then they cleaned the ducts, which were filthy.

New dehumidifier in the basement, and the sump pumps were given a once over.

He had a really nice 84th, and looked better than ever!

I got him up to speed with a new smart TV. Just have to upgrade his Dish to HD. The WiFi on the rig works pretty well for internet browsing.

He is doing real well now.

I do think the mold played a very big part in everything.

Thanks to all!

Dad want's something else now wink to continue...