As Tony stated, I need some time to get my thoughts together as well. Besides a Pond Boss convention ballroom, I'm not sure I've been in a single room with so much pond management knowledge. Led by Bob Lusk, the information spilling out into Bruce's kitchen was something I wish every pond owner was privy to. But more than that, the company. When Bob speaks of the Pond Boss family, it's not just a slogan. I felt like I was amongst brothers, sisters, uncles, a real family. To those of you who couldn't make it, I encourage you to jump at the chance at the next one. Can't really explain it clearly to anyone who wasn't there. Till I can get my thoughts together, I'll just express my gratitude to the host. Bruce, your enthusiasm is incredibly infectious. Your generousity this past weekend is unmatched. I am so fortunate to have you and TJ so close and this simple privilege will never be lost on me. Allowing your guests to catch your pets spoke volumes to your incredible generosity. Thank you thank you thank you for this event. No way any of the attendees will forget this. Can't wait for the next one.

I am currently impressed with myself. I only used the word 'incredible' twice. Could've used it at least15 times in that short paragraph.

I will elaborate more later, but am still mesmerized by it all. If you weren't there, I'm sorry. You missed out.