Jim - the private pond shown in the posted pictures is located just off of Buffalo Bayou, south side of Briar Forest, about 2 miles east of the west beltway. Access is through a non-incorporated neighborhood of multi-MM$ homes. You would never know (or believe) such a place exists inside the beltway. I don't know what the pond-owner's or lake management company's plans are for the future. But, whatever their plans may be, they had to start by cleaning up the grossly overabundant vegetation.

As for NASA's Challenger 7 pond: the scenario you've described spells disaster in my book. In such cases, Aug/Sept/Oct is an extremely risky period for initiating herbicide treatments - if fish are involved in the equation. And, since it is a "public setting", I have no interest in taking the wrap for any fish-kills that are very likely to occur. The public would undoubtedly (and wrongly) blame the herbicide treatment (rather than the predictable DO crash) for causing any fish mortality. My industry already has its hands full trying to correct misperceptions and misinformation. Maybe next spring.......